There seems to be a great deal of talk these days about how to be better. Writers, articles and media in general want you to be an improved entrepreneur, a more productive employee, a more loving parent or a more profitable CEO and executive.
A recent article in Forbes says that you need to wake up at the crack of dawn to earn more money for your company. An article in Entrepreneur magazine says you should take an improv class to be a better business leader. Scientific American thinks you need to set the bar high and use the "anchoring effect" to negotiate more effectively.
I have a much easier, simpler and more cost effective way be a better person, boss, dad, friend or entrepreneur. Go for a walk. Yup, that's it. Just put one foot in front of the other and repeat. You don't need any special equipment, join a club, learn a new skill or even try to find some magical hour in your already jam packed schedule to add another item to your to do list. In fact, you are probably ready to walk more but you are so trained to not do it that it takes some time to switch up your habits.
But why you ask, is walking the answer? Well, for one it will make you smarter. The psychological and mental health community has repeatedly shown that aerobic exercise (which walking is of course) leads to improved executive function. Executive function includes such important tasks as planning and organizing multiple things, making quick decisions, switching tasks, staying focused and paying attention...all of the things you were supposed to learn in school but we know you didn't (mostly because you didn't get enough exercise at recess apparently!). If you really want to enjoy a thorough read on the topic you will have to purchase the article though.
Walking will also improve your mood. Harvard Medical School states that prolonged walking (longer than 35 minutes a day five times a week or 60 minutes a day three times a week) can be nearly as effective as medication in treating depression. In their 2011 book, "Exercise for Mood and Anxiety: Proven Strategies for Overcoming Depression and Enhancing Well-Being," Smits and Otto make the case that exercise can reduce the symptoms of anxiety and that prolonged exercise programs can lead to a decline in risky behaviors such as smoking.
But probably most importantly is the notion that walking can improve your sexual stamina and satisfaction. Yes, that's right, walking can make your sex life better. The study is not as exciting as the results but the Huffington Post had a nice write up on it here.
So how do you do it? Start taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. Park farther away from the door at the grocery or department store. Use the restroom one floor up or down from you and take the stairs. Walk around whenever you take a phone call. Take that next meeting as a "walking" meeting. Commit to taking a five minute walk during every hour you are at work. Get off the subway or bus one stop early. March in place while you are brushing your teeth. And my favorite idea? Instead of sending an email walk down the damned hallway and talk to someone instead.
So, stop reading, get up and go for a walk. Your brain, your mood, your belly and your sex life will thank me.
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